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Karina and Markus!, Markus L., Canada

First of all, I would like to thank to Bride-Forever dating site for making my meeting with Karina possible. It is difficult to imagine that one could find his soul mate in another country without the help of this service. But nowadays many men from d... Read more

Helen and Tony!, Helen K., Ukraine

I would like to share with you my happiness and feelings about the man I met. His name is Tony and he is the Prince of my Heart! Only yesterday we were sitting on the bench near the fountain and noticing nobody around us…We were looking at each other ... Read more

Nadya and Stuart, Stuart G., Norway

We met each other on the bride-forever dating site. I was looking here for a charming Ukrainian wife and I hope that I finally found her. The lady of my heart lives in Kherson. Her name is Nadya . It was the end of March when I got  a vacation. I ... Read more

Veronica and Jan, Veronica and Jan, Ukraine

Hello! I am here to tell you about feelings to one very special person for me. Spring is coming and my heart is open for new feelings, warm and tender. Dear Jan, I decided to write this story as I want to make special actions for you. I haven't alre... Read more

Michael and Mariya, Michael and Mariya, NY

You do great work joining lonely hearts. I logged in many sites before but yours is the one where I could find my real love! Earlier I thought that my life is over after two divorces, I lost my faith to love somebody again as my heart was broken t... Read more