Nonprofit Discount for CoSchedule

CoSchedule offers a 30% nonprofit discount on our Social Calendar, Content Calendar, Marketing Suite, Hire Mia, and Headline Studio plans.
Note: Discounts and promotional rates cannot be combined.

Who is eligible?

All registered nonprofit organizations are eligible. When applying you'll need to supply official documentation, such as a copy of your 501(c)(3), or your country’s equivalent, to verify your nonprofit status.

Where do I apply?

What happens after I apply?

Our team will review your application within 2 business days. If you're working with a salesperson or customer success manager, they'll be notified and follow up with you on the next steps. Otherwise, once approved we'll refund 30% of your most recent purchase and set you up to receive an automatic 30% discount on future transactions. If you don't yet have a subscription, we will enable the discount to apply during checkout.