Select Entity Type and State

PLEASE NOTE You must have already formed your Corporation or LLC before filing a DBA using this order form. This order form is for existing Corporations and LLC's only that wish to do business under a different name.
0 day
NOTE: This order form is for filing a "Doing Business As" name (DBA); otherwise known as a "Fictitious Business Name". Depending on state/county requirements, we will either 1) file the paperwork for you right away, or 2) email the paperwork to you for signatures and/or notarization and then file it once we receive it back.

Our "State Fee" covers your DBA filing fees and includes postage and handling required to ship your documents to us and to the State or County filing office.

Some states require publication of your DBA in a newspaper (either before or after the filing is complete) and we will provide instructions for doing so with your order.

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