Michael Jordan And Why You Should Be Humble

I cannot tell you how life changing this book-of-the-day is...Michael Jordan: The Life by Roland Lazenby. The ambition. The drive. The ability to turn rejection into insatiable motivation.

Tai Lopez May 02, 2014


 [Here is a photo from breakfast. Eating poached eggs, supposedly the healthiest way to eat an egg. Sprinkled a little kelp/seaweed on it for trace minerals and was blown away by this biography...]

Jordan was cut from the Emsley A. Laney High School Basketball team in Wilmington the first year he tried out.

And he never forgot it.

He lost his high school championship game facing West Charlotte, losing 84 to 67 at the Chapel Hill Smith Center.

They haunted him.

It's okay to be haunted a little bit. That's in great part why Jordan was probably the best athlete in the history of civilization.
Most of us are not tough enough to let the losses sink deeply enough into our psyche that they motivate us, yet not so deeply that they cause delusion.

The average human either wallows in despair and gets stuck or buries their mistakes too deeply to be of any use in the future.

Don't do that. Find the balance Jordan found.

Be Like Mike...

I want to be like Mike. You should become like Mike.

Instead with Jordan, if you had any idea better than his, you only had to tell him once and he would take massive action and turn on a dime no matter the work or the loss of face it took to change.

Is that you?

Don't learn so damn slow...

Nature is a nasty teacher. It should only be the teacher of last resort. I have to get way better at this.

I teach in my 67 Steps one simple principle called "don't learn so damn slow." Meaning most people take a lifetime to learn simple things because amygdala-based fear and delusion paralyze their brain.

>>Click here for an explanation of the 67 steps on Youtu.be/tailopezofficial<<

In 1st grade it took me one hour to learn that the world was round, not flat. I didn't have to spend a lifetime measuring the earth's circumference or taking satellite photos to verify.

In 1st grade I learned quickly from external sources about the shape of the Earth.

Smart scientists who devoted their life to that knowledge and built upon the accumulated work of hundreds of years of smart people.

[Speaking of scientists, here is my favorite pic from Caroline's shoot at my house for my new magazine last week. My talented biz partner Rene Rodriguez shot her. It's funny even though she is 100% Norwegian she has a Latina look. All those dark haired Spanish pirates back in history used to head north to Scandinavia to find blonde wives. Opposites attract they say... I read in BBC a prediction by researchers that in the next 200 years all true blondes will become extinct. Tragedy if you ask me... Is there a "save the blondes" foundation?...]

Caroline Magazine Shot

But most of us believe the societal lie that you have to make mistakes to learn. I call BS...Warren Buffett says it's a hell of a lot easier to learn from other people's mistakes.

Read more. But don't read pop novels. Read the classic thinkers like Voltaire and Freud and Plato.

​[Here is a photo below of me reading about the classic thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau in my library this morning. Pardon the mess on the floor, I never get time to organize my books haha]

My messy library

Check out my podcast episode on being a renaissance man or woman.

Be cocky only outwardly. Inwardly be driven by the humility to turn on a dime. I must remind myself, "Move forward faster Tai, don't be so damn slow."

Join me on the path to accelerated knowledge.

What you have been too slow in learning?

Flying Pigs...

For me I've been too slow to move on from interactions with unenlightened people...As Allan Nation always told me, "Tai, never try and teach a pig to fly. You can't do it and it bothers the pig"...


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Question: How can you use humility to become more successful? (Leave your answer in the comments below!)



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