A beautiful view from within central Bagan-mobile

How to get from
Yangon to Bagan

Yangon to Bagan Trip Overview

Distance492 km (307.5 miles)

Find up-to-date information on departure times, schedules, and prices so you can easily compare and book your tickets.

Travel Schedule Options from Yangon to Bagan

Taking a bus from Yangon to Bagan


Varying prices for every budget

Makes toilet stops

Real Myanmar experience

Luggage allowance

Pick up available


No toilet on board

Non refundable

Departure times limited to specific part of day

Bagan zoning fee (17$)

Low temperatures on bus

The available amenities for this trip are currently unavailable. For specific questions, please contact our customer service, available 24/7.




A beautiful view from within central Bagan

About the ride from Yangon to Bagan

Traveling from Yangon to Bagan allows you to experience two very different sides to life in Myanmar - and two of its most popular tourist destinations.

Myanmar’s largest city of Yangon is a sprawling metropolis, growing as rapidly as any other city in Southeast Asia. But while Yangon grows, temple-clad Bagan very much lives in the past, stoically preserving the thousands of temples which make up one of the most interesting religious complexes on the planet.

And while the jaunt is a lengthy one, the journey from Yangon to Bagan is one of the most popular routes throughout Myanmar. Every day, countless travelers tackle the trip.

For the approximately 630 km (391 mile) journey to Bagan from Yangon, you have five options:

  • Bus from Yangon to Bagan - typically around 10.5 hours
  • Car from Yangon to Bagan - typically around 10 hours
  • Minivan from Yangon to Bagan - typically around 10 hours
  • Train from Yangon to Bagan - typically around 18 hours
  • Flight from Yangon to Bagan - typically around 2 hours


What to see when traveling from Yangon to Bagan

What you’ll see when traveling to Bagan from Yangon depends upon how you travel and when you travel. 

If you take a flight from Yangon to Bagan, you won’t see much, as you’ll spend most of your journey in the sky - though if skies are clear, some of the views can be stunning.

If you travel by road, some journeys are overnight while others take place during the day. On a night bus from Yangon to Bagan, you of course won’t see much, but that’s also the case if you travel during daylight hours. The highway to Bagan from Yangon is well-built and well-maintained, so it’s not the juddering jaunt you might be expecting.

The most scenic route to Bagan from Yangon is by train. If you take a train from Yangon to Bagan, you’ll see small villages, verdant farmland and some of the most rudimentary rail facilities on the planet. The train from Yangon to Bagan can be arduous and uncomfortable, but it’s full of excitement and adventure.


How to get from Yangon to Bagan

Taking a bus

Taking a bus to Bagan from Yangon is very popular, comfortable and affordable. For most travelers in Myanmar, it’s the best way to travel, with great prices, frequent departures and a well-maintained highway leading all the way to Bagan.

While some buses to Bagan from Yangon are basic and rudimentary, others are surprisingly plush and luxurious, with food, drinks, blankets, electric sockets, reclining seats and TVs in the back of every seat. All buses have AC.


Taking a train

Taking a train from Yangon to Bagan is the most adventurous, exciting and scenic way to tackle the trip. But though it’s an unforgettable journey, it’s also a very long one, which deters some travelers.

With some train tickets from Yangon to Bagan, you get a bed in a cabin. With others, you get only an upright seat. All tickets are very affordable, so it’s best to go for a cabin, rather than sitting upright for around 18 hours.


Taking a car

If you take a car from Yangon to Bagan, you pay for the entire vehicle instead of buying an individual ticket. Though a pricey option, it’s a great choice if you’re traveling in a group of up to five people - and if you like the freedom and flexibility of choosing your own departure time, departure point and arrival point.


Taking a minivan

Taking a minivan from Yangon to Bagan is basically the same as hiring a private car for the same journey,  but it offers space for up to a total of 17 passengers.

Popular stations and stops in Yangon and Bagan

Departure stations in Yangon

Yangon International Airport (RGN)

Arrival stations in Bagan

Nyaung U Airport (NYU)

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