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enterprise website management

Brilliant Directories for Enterprise

Optimize your website operations
as your business continues to scale.

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Think Big. Build Fast.

Focus on your business goals and we’ll take care of the rest – from enhanced website monitoring, maintenance and security, to professional services and support solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Dedicated Server

Support more traffic, deliver faster response times and receive dedicated server monitoring.

Increased Resource Limits

Resource limits won’t hold back your growth. Enjoy increased member, bandwidth and storage limits.

Real-Time Priority Support

Direct access (during business hours) to our support specialists via our Microsoft Teams live chat.

VIP Add-Ons Club

Expand your website’s functionality by accessing all current and future premium website add-ons.

Is the Enterprise Plan right for you?

Resource Intensive Websites

If you’re hosting thousands of photos or downloadable content, the Enterprise Plan may be for you. Unlike shared hosting, you don’t have to share resources like CPU, RAM or bandwidth – it’s all just for you. Though we do offer dedicated hosting on its own, the Enterprise Plan includes priority real-time chat support.

High-Traffic Websites

Even if you’re not serving large amounts of media or downloads to your users, massive swaths of visitors can potentially bring a website on a shared hosting plan to a halt. A dedicated server ensures your website can handle whatever’s thrown at it, while priority real-time chat support is ready to help you take on the growth that lies ahead.

Peace of Mind Management

Take your business and website to the next level, knowing that our team of directory specialists is ready to provide you with personalized support. We’ll help you navigate the onboarding process, monitor your website for stability and security and stand beside you as your business grows.

How can Brilliant Directories help your business?

Enterprise Plan starts at $2,500/month and varies based on your business’s needs.

Talk to an expert


The sky is the limit with Brilliant Directories

The sky is the limit with what you can do on the Brilliant Directories platform. I love the fact that everything can be customised and there are constant improvements and additions. The support, advice and guidance that one receives through the BD Facebook group, Webinars and Support team is excellent and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting a directory type website.

Colette B. — New Zealand Read More Reviews

Questions Before Getting Started?

We're always happy to chat about your goals and explain what comes with your Brilliant Directories website. Contact us or call to speak with a friendly team member now: +1-800-771-9332

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Launch a Free Demo Website Below

  • Learn how to setup membership plans, connect your payment gateway and generate revenue
  • Tour the features that will help you manage your community and maximize productivity
  • Experience how members will view, edit and self-manage their personal accounts
  • Customize your demo site to match your brand
Safe & Secure. Try it free for as long as you like.

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“6-Step Guide to Start Membership Websites”

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