Pick the best plan for your business

2 months for free


Ideal for freelancers and contractors just starting out.
Billed annually.
All Templates
Unlimited Clients & Projects
Invoicing & Payments
Proposal & Contracts
Tasks & Time Tracking
Client CRM
Forms & Questionnaires
Expense Tracking


Everything an established independent business needs to thrive.
Billed annually.
Everything in Starter, plus:
Remove Bonsai Branding
Workflow Automations
Branded Client Portal
Unlimited Scheduling Events
QuickBooks Integration
Calendly Integration
Zapier Integration
Best value for money


The perfect package for growing businesses and agencies.
Billed annually.
Everything in Professional, plus:
Resource Planning & Scheduling
Utilization & Capacity Reporting
Profitability & Productivity Reporting
Subcontractor Management
Custom Task Fields
Premium Customer Support

Take it to the
next level with add-ons

Team Seat

Invite teammates to collaborate on projects, track time and manage clients.

Bonsai Tax

Track expenses, identify
write-offs, and estimate quarterly taxes easily.


Frequently asked questions

How does the free trial work?

When you sign up, your trial begins and you get full, unlimited access to Bonsai for 7 days. After the 7 days, you will be prompted to choose a plan and enter your credit card details if you haven't already to continue using Bonsai.

Can I change my plan anytime?

Yes, you can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your plan at any time via your Subscription settings.

Is my Bonsai subscription tax deductible?

Yes, the IRS allows for tax deduction for software you use to run your business. Bonsai's expense tracking even automatically categorizes your subscription as a deductible software expense.

Trusted by thousands
of businesses
based on 1,000+ reviews from

“Scaling our operations like never before

Like putting our projects on auto-pilot”

Bonsai does the hard work”

Everything is streamlined”

Huge timesaver”

It’s been the most stress-free year of my life!”

“Beating established firms for the first time

Backbone of our projects”

“So simple”

“Clients love how easy our systems are

A must-have!”

“I do less admin and do more of what I love

“Worry-free contracts and invoices

“It pays for itself”

Great customer service!”

A life-saver!”

Clients take us more seriously”

“We upped our rates and won more clients

Need help? We’ll
be right with you

Our friendly, speedy, Customer Support has all the answers and is here to help you.

Contact us

Quick to set up
Even easier to use

You get 7 days to try it for free. And if it's not what you expected, we guarantee your money back within the first two weeks.

Get started